On Koh Lanta we hit up our old favorite bungalow "Seapearl" and they were even better than we remembered. With a new owner they had added beach platforms for dining and a new restaurant, and menu. We stayed on the island 5 days and only ate at Thai cat (attached to sea pearl) food was awesome each and every time. We did alot of nothing on Lanta, relaxed and took some time to just chill in one place. We did do a scooter tour one day and went to Old Lanta town, a place we missed on the '07 trip but we made time for it this time around, it was pretty cool old trade town we took a few snaps and had a coffee, before heading back to our bungalow.
"A" had read about an Animal shelter who always needed volunteers so we stopped by one afternoon to check it out and see if we could give a hand, as you all know we are animal lovers. After a quick tour of the place, we each got hooked up with 2 dogs, "A" walked Punk and Sara, and I was walking Sorry and Chili. things started off with a bit of excitement, about 30 feet from the driveway we passed another lady who was on her way back from walking one of the other shelter dogs. well apparently Sorry didn't get along with this dog and went after him, she slipped her collar and there was fur and growling going in ever direction. Having some smarts I didn't want to use my travel insurance for a rabies shot just yet, I grabbed Sorry from the hind quarters and pulled her off the other dog, meanwhile poor chili was getting dragged along behind me as me and the other walker lady were trying to separate the two dogs. After a few minutes of excitement we manged to get the dogs apart and settled down, after a quick check for damage my flip flop was the only casualty.
With a new collar and no other dogs to get upset over the six of us (me, A, and 4 dogs) went off for our walk with no more excitement just a nice walk in the tropics with some really nice dogs who could use a good home.
We felt pretty good for helping out, it wasn't much but some fun, exercise and play time was had.
Back home. The computor is blocked in the other house!! Sorry I missed the Xmas cheers. LoveM