Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Driving and more driving...

We have driven over 3000 ish' km now and are continuing on for another 1700 ish'.  We have driven through alot of things as we are now realizing alot of Australia is much the same as you drive along.  We have driven so much we decided to stay in Sydney for 4 days, well 1 was just arriving late and sleeping.  We figured we would find lots to do there, but it was just another huge city, and the traffic was crazy.  Well I blame the horrible drivers and small roads but...

We saw the Sydney Opera house, the Harbor Bridge, Biron Beach and checked out some cute areas.  The shopping looked amazing but Australia is already costing us enough just to eat and sleep.  We have left Sydney a couple days ago and have made our way to Brisbane with a short stop out to the Blue Mountains just West of Sydney.  We stopped a couple times in some cute small towns for the night then made our way to Byron Bay. It's a crazy backpacker town, lots of people and not really our style though we have heard how poplular it is, after lunch we move on to the Gold Coast.

As we hit the Gold Coast area we realize once again, it is a huge tourist area and drive it anyways to only conclude we are correct on that assumption.  It is busy and we decide we can make it to Brisbane or just past Brisbane.  We have stopped outside of Brisbane in a tiny town, which had 3 motels and 3 places to eat.  Surprisingly the motel is the nicest so far for the same price as many other crappy places we stayed and the 1 sit down restaruant was the best meal we have had in Australia by far.  So sometimes things can still surprise us!

We will be heading out to Steve Irwin's Australian Zoo tomorrow and keep trucking up to Cairns.  It's alot of driving but we will make it....


  1. Crikey...... What a whopper! Isn't she a beaut?!? Lol.

  2. You must be really tired of driving. Soon you will be resting you hope in Bali!Like I said time to slow down and stay put for awhile.
    The less expensive and exotic will be coming. Think it may make it wroth while all the driving.
    Talked to Alison and Terry Sat. All seems good.

  3. Hey guys looks and sounds like your adventure keeps on getting better and better , love those oceanside rock formations in your pics those are friggin awesome!! Anyways as of Nov 12 still now snow woohoo lol , im sure we will pay fo it soon enough , things are busier than ever here Ray no hurries to get back bud you dont want to be admidst all the chaos lol . Glad to see and hear all is well ENJOY!!! oh yeah Ray check out the toilets fo me does the water actually go the opposite way aound the bowl when ya flush?? lmao
    Mike M

  4. The k.bears are so so cute! I love the pics of the great ocean road they are beautiful! Well will be seeing dad on Sat. Eric is very happy that his pepere is going to watch one of his hockey games. Where are you guys off too after Austrailia? And when? Either way I am still jealous! Way to live your lives you two I am proud of you both! Enjoy! Luv sis

  5. Oh yes, that is a lot of driving. Sounds like you are ready to hit a country that is totally different than our western nations. I hope Bali and the rest of Indonesia add some new sights and adventures for you. Mexico was great,your nephews had the time of their little lives. Love you, Alison

  6. Mike M. The toilets are more like a mass flush, no whirlpool just alot of water splashing down the hole.
